Led Zeppelin / Three Days Afterレッド・ツェッペリンEmpress Valley Supreme Disc : EVSD 434/435/436商品の状態:盤面良好。ケースにスレ有り。1/4-1. Rock And Roll1/4-2. Celebration Day1/4-3. Bring It On Home Introduction/Black Dog1/4-4. Over The Hills And Far Away1/4-5. Misty Mountain Hop1/4-6. Since I've Been Loving You1/4-7. No Quarter1/4-8. The Song Remains The Same1/4-9. The Rain Song2/5-1. Dazed And Confused (includes San Francisco)2/5-2. Stairway To Heaven2/5-3. Moby Dick3/6-1. Heartbreaker3/6-2. Whole Lotta Love Medley3/6-3. The Ocean3/6-4. Communication Breakdown3/6-5. Organ Solo3/6-6. Thank YouJune 3, 1973 The Forum, Inglewood, California, USA Disc 1, 2 & 3 - Complete Concert in Stereo. Disc 4, 5 & 6 - Complete Concert in Mono.